Mobility 3

Mobility 3

On this page you can find the presentations and other resources related to Mobility Three.

The third mobility of the Technological Updates in School Management project was hosted by ADSLL in Lleida, Spain in May 2023.


Digital Education Plan of Catalonia presentation

Digital Education Plan of Catalonia

Presentation ESHA ‘Leadership at the center for quality education’

Initial Training for the exercise of the Management Function and Pedagogical Leadership

Global summary of the SELFIE survey

Additional Resources

The use of artificial intelligence in schools

This quality card for school heads provides suggestions for the following questions:

  • How do I make my team interested in using Artificial Intelligence (AI) in school?
  • How do I support my team and give guidance on implementing AI in school?

Value compass for digital transformation of education

This quality card provides help in:

  • Building a frame of reference for structuring the digital transformation of your school;
  • Understanding the importance of ethics;
  • Using a value compass in your team